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September Goals

September Goals
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Last month, I tried a new thing where I set monthly personal, wellness, business + blog goals. I did a couple month/season focused bucket lists in the past but wanted to have something more actionable in order to hold myself accountable.
Unfortunately….I have to say that I did not do too well on my August goals, haha. I’ve realized that it’s not enough to just make the goals. I have to set aside time to actually accomplish them. Read more for my September goals and my lessons learned:
1. Organize and settle into my apartment.
So you’ll notice that all of my goals are pretty much the same as last month because I did a terrible job of following through. My new actionable plan is to spend at least an hour every weekend cleaning and decorating the apartment. I have a ton of prints of my own photography that I made during one of my studio art classes in college that I want to hang on the wall. This long weekend, I plan on taping them all onto the wall behind my bed.
2. Clean out my photos.
Like last month, my laptop and phone are both running out of storage because I have too many photos!!! It’s even worse this month because I’ve accumulated even more photos…yikes. Because I have so many pictures to go through, my actionable plan is to spend 30 minutes every day, five days a week going through all of my pictures. After I’m finally caught up, I want to spend 30 minutes every week maintaining the organization so this pileup never happens again, haha.
3. Get a hair cut.
I said last month that I wanted to get a long bob like Vanessa Hudgens. I’ve been saying I want a hair cut forever and I didn’t last month but this month, I will actually schedule it. Promise!! I think my friend Tiffanie and I will both get our hair cut together.
1. Go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier.
My goals last month were to do yoga and meditation more consistently but unfortunately I’ve been terrible at following through. I’ve been pretty bad at doing yoga consistently, I must say. I sometimes make time at the end of the day but that’s usually only for a couple minutes. I haven’t started meditation at all!!! The problem is that I haven’t making time in my schedule to accommodate for these activities. My actionable plan is to start sleeping earlier and waking up earlier so I have time to do both in the morning. This is my only wellness goal for the month because like Carly from The College Prepster says, small steps!
1. Work towards the launch of Mount Lai.
A little side project I’ve been working on with my friend Dave is a jade roller company called Mount Lai. I was frustrated with the lack of high quality jade rollers in the market…everything I bought kept breaking after only a few weeks. We’re still working on the website and have almost finalized the packaging. Super exciting, hoping to launch soon!
2. Focus on increasing and diversifying blog traffic.
This is another repeat from last year. I think it’s good to have diversified streams of traffic just because things change all the time and it’s not good to be too heavily reliant on any one source. I said I wanted to focus on Pinterest but I ended up not doing it consistently. My actionable plan is to spend 20 minutes growing my Pinterest three times a week. Small steps but hopefully this will help in the long run!
pin it!
I’m a twenty-something 7-figure serial entrepreneur who started my first company at the age of 15. I’m all about sharing ways to live prosperously - building wealth while prioritizing health and happiness. Living my dreams in New York City.
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Beautiful photo
Thank you!
your workspace is so gorgeous <3
Thank you so much Max!