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Note To Self: From The Universe

Note To Self: From The Universe
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A quote from Deepak Chopra that has really stuck with me:
“If you obsess over whether you are making the right decision, you are basically assuming that the universe will reward you for one thing and punish you for another.
The universe has no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision. There is no right or wrong, only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that you experience.”
This quote caught me at the perfect time, as I’ve been worrying endlessly these past few months about making the “right” decisions. While I haven’t really mentioned it anywhere, since December, I’ve been in the process of buying out the co-founder of my business.
Since then, I’ve spent many sleepless nights thinking about all the scenarios, calculating the risks, working through all the “what-ifs” and worrying about everything that could go wrong. I like to be prepared for all the negative outcomes, as I’m naturally a “glass half empty” type of person, if you will. Buying out a partner in a business is a big risk; it’s a lot of money to pay out for no guaranteed success. I’m pretty risk-adverse so making this decision was a big leap into the abyss.
We finalized the deal a few days ago and I am now the sole owner of the business! It’s a little daunting but surprisingly freeing. There’s no right or wrong decision, only a series of possibilities. I’m excited about what the future holds and I’m looking forward to the journey.
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I’m a twenty-something 7-figure serial entrepreneur who started my first company at the age of 15. I’m all about sharing ways to live prosperously - building wealth while prioritizing health and happiness. Living my dreams in New York City.
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Needed to see this 🙏🏼